Sparkling Letters 1st Blogversary : A Statistical Analysis & Lessons Learned


Hello everyone! ♥

Last week Sparkling Letters just celebrated its first year blogversary on March 2. YAYYY!!! However, I had no idea how to celebrate and was swamped with work, hence the late celebration. Plus I already had an ARC review scheduled for March 2 🙈

I know everyone says this on every blogversary post of ever but I never thought I’d be here for a while. Blogging has always been my hobby since I was 14 (I’m 22 now) but I did it sporadically. I thought this time would be no different. I thought it was gonna be just another phase that I’d outgrow soon. But last week I hit another big milestone : 1st year blogversary. I mean, IT’S HUGE! A lot of things had happened in a year and I’m proud of myself and my achievements.

So today, we’re going to look back to what I’ve achieved and learned in this past year 😀 I’m gonna do some statistical analysis of my stats because I’m a huge math nerd and it’s just fun hahaha I hope you could also learn something from my experience ♦

I created this blog on March 2 but I didn’t start blogging seriously right away. I only posted once in a while and my first few posts weren’t even about books. For the first couple of months, I planned this to be a lifestyle/beauty blog (haha). My thought was that I didn’t want to be confined to one specific niche because wouldn’t it be boring? Or so I thought. But after about three months, I realized that when it comes to makeup and lifestyle, I didn’t have that many things to talk about. With books, however, I have many.

That’s why I finally decided to be a book blogger. Here are my stats for the past year :


I probably don’t get as many views as other bloggers who have been blogging as long as I do, but I’m pretty proud of my stats. You could see that my stats were low and unstable on the first 3-4 months, mostly due to my unclear niche and irregular post schedule 😂 I got really serious since August, because that was when I graduated from university, hence I had a lot of free time. Ever since August, my stats always increase every month and that’s really all that matters!

I never set an exact goal for my stats but my monthly goal is only to be better than the previous month. As long as I achieve that, I’ll call it a win hahaha now I’m down to >100 views a day and I’d love to keep it up and improve ♥

Where do people find my blog?

I don’t know about you but when I first started blogging, I went through a phase where I look for and try lots of blogging advice 😂 one of the top advice is to share our posts. I tried this. I shared my posts on social media and even sites like StumbleUpon, but still, for the first few months of blogging most of my referrers are WordPress reader. Which means my readers are only those people who already follow my blog.

However, now my referrers have varied and I couldn’t be happier. Take a look at this chart


Okay so naturally, wordpress reader still wins by huge margin. Buuuut there are a lot of other equally important referrers!

  1. SEARCH ENGINE. I also went through a period where I learned about SEO to improve my blog rank on the internet. It’s safe to say, I still haven’t mastered it. That’s why I’m pretty surprised to see that search engine brings lots of traffic to my blog. I’m not an expert but I’ve learned a thing for two about it, I might talk about it on one of my future posts 😀
  2. LINKUP. If you haven’t joined any linkup, DO IT NOW! Brief introduction : linkup is a place where blogger could drop link to their post/blog. Some of my favorite linkups (that bring most traffic to my blog)
    1. Saturday Situation by Lori @ Pure Imagination
    2. Top Ten Tuesday by The Brooke and Bookish
    3. Monthly Discussion Challenge by Shannon @ It Starts at Midnight and Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction
  3. TWITTER. Sharing your post on Twitter is useful, even if I rarely ever do it unless you count that automatic share when you publish a post. But even more useful is when a fellow blogger shares your post on their own Twitter! You’re all amazing people and I can’t thank you enough ♥
  4. BLOGLOVIN. Again, if you haven’t signed up on Bloglovin, do it now. It’s a great way to connect with bloggers from different platform.
  5. OTHERS. Okay this category covers various referrers but one of the most important source is other people’s blogs. I noticed I received a lot of visitors from Reg, Cait, Lauren, Fadwa, and Jordon’s blogs. How do they get to my blog? Lots of ways. Tag, wrap up posts, comments, blogrolls, etc. Interaction with other bloggers is a must ♥

Where do they come from?

My visitors come from all over the world and here’s a map to show you where they’re from!

Visitor Countries NEW.png

I’d say this map looks pretty great but there are still several countries where I never receive any visitors from and I’d like to change that. I want to conquer the world with my blog 😛 just kidding… or am I?hehe anyway, here are the top 10 countries! ♣


So obviously the first place goes to United States. No surprise, I guess, considering most bloggers seem to be from there?ahaha coming in second is my own country, Indonesia! I’m proud and anxious at the same time because which Indonesians read my blog?? Are they fellow book bloggers or my friends from real life? 😂😂 next we have United Kingdom, Australia, India, Canada, Philippines, Germany, Morocco, and Belgium. Yayyy! ♦

Which posts are the most popular?

Now this is a truth universally acknowledged : reviews always receive less traffic than discussion posts, or any other kind of posts. Even compared to tags, book reviews still receive less traffic, I guess. But today, I’ll show you how significantly less it is. Take a look at the two charts below. The first chart is my top 5 discussion posts and the second is my top 5 reviews.

As you can see from the chart above, discussion posts generally receive 100 views, 10 likes, and 40 comments more than review posts. It’s a scientific proof hahaha however for me, book review is the heart of a book blog and I actually love writing them, that’s why I’ll never get rid of it even if it receives less traffic than other kind of posts.

In case you want to know, here are my top 5 discussion posts :

  1. Why We Need More Positive Girls Portrayal in Books
  2. The Diversity Corner #1 : February News, Muslim Representation, and March New Releases
  3. For Some of Us, Libraries Might NOT Exist
  4. Blog Hopping: For Fun or Necessity?
  5. My Stance as A Diverse Book Blogger & Introducing New Feature : The Diversity Corner

And here are my top 5 review posts :

  1. ARC Review : The Inexplicable Logic of My Life // Lyrical, Beautiful, and Heartwarming
  2. Review: Salt to the Sea // Hate to be the Black Sheep Here, but Well…
  3. Review : The Sun is Also a Star // Way Too Insta-Lovey for My Taste
  4. Review: The Crown’s Game // Didn’t Expect to Love it But I DID!
  5. Review: More Happy Than Not // More Like Depressing Than Happy… but in a Good Way!

Lessons learned.jpg

To conclude this post, I’m gonna list down a few things I’ve learned from my 1st year of blogging ♥

(1) Quality content is a must, and it’s actually the one thing that will get you far. As you’ve seen from my analysis above, I receive a lot of traffics because people share my posts on Twitter and on their blogs. I believe that most people only share the posts that they like so I assumed they share my posts because they like them? 😛

(2) Share your posts! Use twitter, pinterest, join linkup, link your posts whenever other bloggers ask you to! The result will mostly depend on the number of followers you have on social media but it never hurts to try. P.S. use hashtag when sharing your posts on Twitter (i.e. #bookblogger, #diversebookblogger, etc)

(3) Write more discussion posts. You’ve seen the proof, discussion post receives A LOT MORE traffic than review does. Not telling you to stop writing reviews (I won’t!) but it might be great to balance them out with some more discussions. I wrote a post about why we should write more discussion posts & tips and tricks to nail them 😛

(4) Interaction with other bloggers is beneficial. Not only it will drive traffic to your blog, you’ll also get new friends and if there’s one surprising thing I experienced from blogging, it’s the friendship. I never thought I’d be close with people who live a thousand miles away from me. Here are some of my fantastic blogging friends : Tasya, Fadwa, Lauren, Marie, Melissa, Reg, Cait, Molly, Becca, Pamela, Anisha, Cilla, Jeann, Nicole, Shannon, Kat, Gerri, Danielle, Becky, CW, AnushkaMadalyn, Mikaela, Sara, Swetlana, and every other person who makes blogging easier and more fun! I’m sorry if I missed you but please know that I appreciate all of you ♥

(5) At the end of the day, it’s not only about stats. As I said above, my stats might not be as high as other people’s but more important is the fact that I am happy with it. Being happy will get you far 😀


That was the end of my blogversary post! I never thought I’d blog this long and now I feel so accomplished. The numbers might not be as high but I’m so proud of it and I can manage 😀 how long have you all been blogging> What lessons have you learned so far? Do you like this post and did you learn anything useful? I’d love to hear your thoughts ♥

Follow my blog with Bloglovin

Find more of me on my social media ♦

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73 thoughts on “Sparkling Letters 1st Blogversary : A Statistical Analysis & Lessons Learned

  1. Congratulations on one full year! You were one of those blogs I pulled inspiration from when I was just starting out, and I’m so glad to see you’ve grown! ❤️

    I’ve only been blogging for two months (it’ll be three this month, which is super exciting)! I think one thing I really learned is to comment a lot on other people’s blogs! I get a lot of referrers from other people checking me out on other bloggers’ comment sections, and that’s where I find the majority of the bloggers I follow now! And thank you so much for including me as one of your blogging friends; you’re too kind! It means so much to me! ❤️

    And your stats are so impressive! It’s actually really nice to see them because I get those types of stats now, so it’s good to know I’m not doing too bad at this whole blogging thing. 😂 I feel the same way; I just try to do better every single month regarding my stats, and that works for me!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much Mikaela, so glad I could be an inspiration to you! 😛 awww exciting time ahahaha good for you! I also learned the same thing, commenting on other blogs have sooo many benefits 😀 of course! I actually don’t know other people’s stats so I really can’t tell if mine is high, low, or average?hahaha yayyy cheers to better blogging months ahead 😀

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  2. Congrats! I’m the same with wanting views from as many countries as possible! I was super excited once I managed to get a view from each continent and every time I get a view from a new country, I’m so excited. Your stats are amazing and definitely something I aspire to!

    I definitely need to write more discussion posts as mine are mostly book reviews and as much as I love them, it’s definitely the non reviews (mostly my recommendation posts) that get the most views.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you! 😀 I KNOW RIGHT! It’s exciting hahaha especially when I get visitors from countries I’d never even heard about (though I am so bad at geography so there are a lot of countries I don’t know) ahhh thank you! 😀 discussion posts are so exciting though ahaha they take longer to write but worth it ❤


  3. Happy belated blogiversary! That is quite the achievement, i think! I’m really happy for you and all the success you’ve had with your blog! I can’t believe I’m part of the top 10 countries that visit your blog (I’m from Germany! GO Germany :P)!

    You’ve given some really great advice and I am definitely bookmarking this post for future reference!

    Also, I might’ve gotten a tiny heart attack seeing my name on your list of friends! I’m really happy to read that though and can’t wait to get to know you better in the future! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yayyy thank you so much Swetlana! I feel very proud and accomplished too hahaha one year is a long time 😛 I have several blogging friends from Germany so YAYYY for that hahaha

      Oh yeah! We’ve only known each other for a short time but you’re one of the people who make me feel good about blogging hahaha I hope we could talk more in the future! ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Congratulations on one year! It’s an amazing accomplishment and you should definitely be proud of yourself!
    The stats are so cool! I wish I could’ve done that when I had my Blogiversary. But don’t kid yourself, your stats are great, they’re better than mine and I’ve been here longer haha
    I know you’re gonna continue getting awesomer and awesomer as you grow as a blogger. I’m honored that you consider me a friend and I wish you the best! ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Sara! 😀 I wanted to do a giveaway but am currently broke hahaha so I came up with this idea and I’m so happy people enjoyed it 😛 ahh really? I actually don’t know other people stats so I can’t tell if mine is high, low, or average? hahaha of course! I hope we could get to know each other more in the future ❤

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      • I tried to do one myself for my first blogiversary as well but I couldn’t either so don’t worry haha I’m pretty sure everyone says that they don’t know if it’s good since you don’t know how to compare, so I just know how I measure myself against myself haha.

        Liked by 1 person

  5. Happy Blogoversary ❤❤ Your blog is so awesome that it feels like you’ve been blogging for waaaay way more. Thanks for the link-up tip btw haha, I didn’t know they attracted as much traffic.
    I can’t believe Morocco us on your top 10, see how great of a friend I am? 😂
    Also, I wanted to do charts for my blogoversary (great minds think alike) BUT I didn’t know where to make them (did you use canva?) Or how to go about it. SHARE YOUR SECRET WITH ME PRETTY PLEASE 😭

    Liked by 1 person

    • YAYYYY thank you Fadwa! 😀 Sometimes I *feel* like I’ve been blogging for so long tough hahaha oh yeahhh linkup is super useful you should try it 😛 I KNOW RIGHT! When I saw Morocco made the top 10 list I was wondering is this all Fadwa or do I have other readers from Morocco? 😂😂😂

      WE ARE SO SIMILAR ARE WE TWINS?hahaha I use something but it’s kind of weird…. I’ll totally DM you my secrets though just wait for it hahaha 😛

      Liked by 1 person

      • You’re welcome 😄
        It’s a weird feeling tbh haha because I feel like I’ve been doing it for longer but at the same time I still feel like a baby blogger who knows nothing 😂
        I’m 99% sure that’s all me because I’m a stalker. Hum, I mean, good friend.
        Hahahaha! I must admit, it’s clever too 😂

        Liked by 1 person

        • Sameeee hahaha I feel like with blogging we’re just going around in the dark pretending like we know what we are doing hahaha 😂 hahaha that’s okay if it’s all you though, I’m proud friend lol and YESSS! We even have the exact same type of personality I’m shooked hahaha 😂😂

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  6. Happy Blogoversary Puput! I’m so proud of you, I adore your discussion posts and you have been going from strength to strength over the past year! I loved all of the stats that you projected as well. My stats are similar with the country, definitely most are from the US and the 2nd are from Australia which is where I live. I hope to celebrate many more with you!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Congratulations on the blogiversary, Puput, and so glad to hear that my blog has been giving you some referrals! Also really honoured to be considered a friend – I definitely consider you a friend too so yay for that.

    I’m surprised that you get a lot of visits from Indonesia that it’s your top 2! I mean, your blog is amazing so you deserve ALL THE VISITS but Indo’s never been a big country in terms of my own readership, although I’m curious to see if that’ll change at all now that I live in Indo… although it doesn’t make sense if it does. Sorry, I’m just rambling now. Anyway, your stats for Indo will probably increase because that’s what my visits will be counted as. 😂

    So excited to see what you have in store for us in this next year, and great job on the charts!💕

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Happy blogiversary, Puput!! Hitting the one year mark is definitely an accomplishment and as someone who also likes to jump through hobbies in a phase like manner I can relate to being proud for sticking with it. I love how you included all of those charts. And honestly I think your blog is doing fantastic stats wise. Mine are so fluctuating but I think that has to do with dropping memes and link ups than anything, I need to start getting back into both. I also agree about discussions being the most popular and I need to start doing more of those 😂😂🙈. Anyway! Thanks so much for the shoutout and I’m so glad I met you on here. You’re probably one of my favorite people to talk to and I’m glad to have you as a blogging friend. 😁💕
    Also, I agree about interaction being so important. Without commenting I wouldn’t have met so many people on here and my blogging life would definitely be boring without them (you included). 😊

    Liked by 1 person

    • Ayyy thank you so much Melissa! 😀 I know rightttt I’m actually so proud of myself to have been able to stick to this commitment even when no one forces me to hahaha ahh really? I don’t have a single clue about other people’s stats so I don’t know if mine is high, low, or average?hahaha 😛

      No worries! I’m so glad when you stumbled across my blog because I looooove talking to you too ❤ Cheers to better friendship and blogging years for both of us 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Congrats on reaching a year! I know everyone says they can’t believe they lasted and I am no different. I’m reaching 3 years and I’m shocked because I just do this for fun but most of my hobbies fade out but not this one. It’s very cool to see your stats and see how things have changed. Also, I’m in no way surprised at the difference in figures for discussions and such and reviews but it’s still crazy seeing the difference in figures. It’s strange that in the book blogging community we read reviews least but that’s just how it goes.

    Interaction is basically the only thing that gets people on my blog I think. I’m not very present on Twitter (I feel like I don’t get most social media but I try) but visiting people’s blogs and commenting and generally making a nuisance of myself seems to keep me with a few comments each week and a few conversations going. I think it’s the comments which keep me going when it comes to blogging. When I got practically no visitors that was difficult to find the motivation to keep blogging so comments are awesome. And making friends, that’s also really great. I have a few bloggers I speak to regularly and they are the other thing that keep me going.

    Good luck on another great year for blogging!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Becky! 😀 awww 3 years is a long time aaand huge commitment! I hope I’ll be able to make it through my 3rd year and more ahaha it definitely is! Without interaction my blog would probably be so lonely. I mean, what the use of blogging without getting to know other bloggers 😛 I agree. Receiving comments, especially the thoughtful ones, always makes me feel like the post is worth the effort 😀 thank you and good luck to you too ❤


  10. HAPPY BLOGOVERSERY! 🎉 Blogging for a year is such an amazing accomplishment. 🙂 Your blog is one of my favorites and I always love reading your insightful and wonderfully written posts. ❤

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  11. Happy Blogversary ❤ I think I learned so much from this blog than any other blogs I follow and I love your stat charts (I am a nerd too).

    Liked by 1 person

  12. AHHAHA SUCH A HUGE CONGRATS TO YOU PUTPUT! I adore your blog so much so I am so glad you decided to start blogging because I love reading your posts! Also YAAS Bloglovin is such a great tool for getting people onto your blog and for commenting on other blogs! Great post ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • YAYYYY thank you so much Anisha! 😀 you’re flattering me and I love it hahahah this is actually the thing that keeps me going so thank YOU ❤ bloglovin is suuuuch a huge life saver especially in bridging the difference between wordpresse, blogpost, and self-hosted bloggers hahaha 😛


  13. Oh this is such a fantastic idea to share your stats like that and reflect on your past year of blogging this way. Definitely wish I’d thought about this sooner – well I’m entering my third year so, erm…maybe it’s too late for that ahah 🙂
    Okay, before getting into it seriously, HAPPY BLOGVERSARY!!! I hope you’ll keep on blogging for years to come and keep on loving it. It’s always a pleasure to read all of your blog posts 🙂 ❤
    I agree that memes and some link-ups definitely bring more traffic to your blog. I used to do Top Ten Tuesdays for, well, almost the whole time I was blogging and it definitely helped other bloggers to "find me", I guess, and brought a lot of people here.
    I would be so interested if you ever decide to write a blog post about SEO 😀
    Discussions always bring more people to my blog just as well, and I think it's so great, because these are the most fun posts to write – or at least, for me, so I'm glad to see that people are reacting to it in a positive way 🙂
    And thank you so, so much for the shoutout!! ❤ ❤ ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • Right?! A bit over confident but I feel proud of myself for coming up with this idea hahaha 😂😂 aww 3 years is amazing milestone! And It’s never too late, maybe you could compare the stats on your 1st, 2nd, and 3rd year, if you have the stats ahaha

      THANK YOU, MARIE! It’s been a pleasure to get to know you too hehe I owe meme and linkup a lot, especially Top 10 Tuesday hahah and they help me fill my blog when I was still figuring out my footing. I think I will eventually, once I figure out more secrets about SEO hahaha 😛 definitely! I love writing discussion posts too even if it’s difficult to come up with original ideas and even more difficult to put together those ideas coherently hahaha 😛 no worries!

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      • Hahaha well nohing wrong with being overconfident at times, especially when you come up with brilliant ideas like this one 😛
        You’re welcome, I really can’t wait what you’re going to write next on your blog ❤

        Liked by 1 person

  14. Ahhhhhh happy blogversarry Puputt, your blog is growing really fast! ❤ I also feel nervous when I see that Indonesians are reading my blog, it feels like "do I live up to their standards? do they like my post??" for some reasons I really care about their opinions 😀 I also never understand about the SEO thingy, no matter how many articles I read about it xD Thanks for the shoutout too ❤ Can't wait to read more of your amazing post! ✨

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Tasya! 😀 well you know what comes to my mind when Indonesians are reading my blog? I’m afraid they will think I’m weird, which I totally am so I don’t know why I’m still anxious about it hahaha 😂😂 SEO is difficult hahaha and without google analytics there’s no concrete way for us to measure the effectiveness of our SEO strategy haha no worries, I love your blog 😀


  15. AHHHHHH HAPPY BLOGIVERSARY!!!! Reaching a year is so exciting and I can’t wait to see what the next year holds for you 😀 😀 😀 Also I’ve LOVED watching your blog grow even though I’m lowkey jealous because I want to steal your blogging skills for myself hahahaha. I absolutely LOVE how you included all the stats in this!! It’s always so interesting to look at those.

    Thank you for the little shout out ♥♥ I’m so glad we managed to meet because you’re one of my favourite people ever.

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    • It is so exciting thank you Lauren! 😀 ahahah don’t be I think you are amazing but if you ever want to steal some of my knowledge and skill I’ll be happy to share willingly so just say the words hahaha 😛 no worries! I’m so glad we met early on because it’s amazing to see how long we’ve been following each other and how much we’ve grown over time ❤


    • Thank you Molly! 😀 no worries, you’re one of my favorite people to talk to as well hahaha ❤ well I got my stats from wordpress and enter the data to! Go check it out it's amazing for making infographic especially when you're on wordpress premium hahaha


  16. It’s hard to know because bloggers tend to be a little secretive about their stats, but my sense is that 3000 views a month is actually on the higher end for book bloggers (not food and fashion bloggers–they’re in an entirely different league), and that it can be difficult to break past that.

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  17. Congratulations on your first year of blogging!! You have been a huge benefit to the book blogging community and we’re so glad you’re here! I’m kind of in love with graphs, so I drool whenever I see posts like these. It’s so fun to see all the facts and statistics laid out that way. I can’t quite figure out why I love them so much considering how naturally disorganized I am, but it’s a fact—graphs make me happy. Hmmm … I should write a discussion post about that. 🙂

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  18. I was so out of it last week, I didn’t even see this until now :O
    You prepped the data so well, this post is amazing! And thanks so much for counting me as one of your friends ❤ you stuck around for an entire year, that's a lot longer than some people manage! CONGRATS!! May there be many more years to come 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  19. Aw! I’m so glad to have met you Puput! :3 I can’t believe I almost missed this post! Congrats on your amazing blog, and keep up with the awesome content! You’re right I love your discussions and be proud of your stats! Spoiler: I’ve been in this for 2 years and don’t have half the stats you do, so cheer up! I think I was on my way there but after my hiatus it’s like starting over so *cue really tired face here*. Stay awesome!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much Pamela! 😀 aww I’m so glad to hear that ahaha I honestly don’t know other people stats so I can’t tell if mine is good or not, but it’s good to hear I’m doing well ahaha 😛 you too, cheers to better blogging years for both of us ❤

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  20. Happy blogoversary!!! (Even though I’m kind of late!) 🙂
    I definitely find the same thing with reviews – discussion posts get so much more attention and interaction, and I actually enjoy writing them a lot more!
    And your stats are definitely very impressive, especially for only a year of blogging! Mine certainly didn’t look like that after my first year, so keep up the good work! 🙂

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  21. I’m really late, but happy blogaversary!! You’ve accomplished so much with your blog in that time, and I look forward to seeing more of your brilliant discussions in the future 😀


  22. Pingback: Wrapping up March 2017 (and re: Shealea joined a poetry-writing competition) – That Bookshelf Bitch

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