Post Hiatus: 6 Things I Miss the Most from Blogging


Hello everyone! 

How are you today? I’m currently swamped with work after a long Eid holiday but look at me here, I managed to post again and not relapse into my hiatus 😛 I have a little confession though, finding the time to blog while working full time and not having reliable internet connection is HARD. I admire any of you who’s been doing this all the time and I hope I could keep this up and settle into a comfortable routine soon.

Aaaaanyway, today I’ll be talking about things I miss the most from blogging. After more than a year neglecting Sparkling Letters, there are plenty of things I miss from blogging 😦

Without further ado, let’s get down to the list!


Putting down my thoughts into words

Ever since I was younger, I’ve always considered myself a writer. I blog, I write short stories, I attempt writing a novel, and even in my darkest and saddest moment, I poured my feelings through writing. It’s a therapy. But writing doesn’t always come easy, sometimes you know what you want to say but you have a hard time writing them down. Or you just can’t find the right words. Or you’ve done writing but somehow you don’t like what you just wrote.

Blogging is a good practice—a really good one. Through blogging I get used to translating my thoughts and feelings into words and in the process I expand my vocabulary, I discover my preferable writing style, and most importantly, I find my voice.

After a year of not blogging, I realized I was a little rusty. There were times I had a hard time composing long work emails. When I tried to continue writing my first draft, I couldn’t get the words flowing. When I wrote for fun, I just… didn’t completely like my writing. And there are some instances I couldn’t find the right words to explain things—even my English vocabulary is deteriorating 😦

Having people read my thoughts

Let’s be real, even if we write for ourselves, it’s nice to have audiences, isn’t it? 😛 I LOVE my readers and I’m always happy when they take time to read my posts and share their thoughts about it afterward. It’s rewarding to know all the effort you spend for that post is worth it ðŸ˜‚

Interacting with other bloggers

I think I speak for everyone here when I say the best part of blogging is THE PEOPLE! I mean, you get to meet people from all over the world who share the same interests with you 😀 it’s difficult to find bookworms in real life, so I always cherish my online bookworm friends 

Losing my blogging friends is one of my biggest fear from getting back into blogging. A year is a plenty of time for things to happen on the internet, what if they forget about me? If I’ve dropped by your blog, you may have noticed that sometimes I started my comment with “do you remember me”. It’s more than just ice breaker because because I’m honestly scared to just barge in your post being all excited and enthusiastic and there you are thinking, do I remember this person? ðŸ˜‚ also I noticed that there has been a lot of changes : people who were active before no longer are and there are lots of new bloggers. 

P.S. I can’t wait to talk to all of you 

Being in the loop with the bookish community

Still related to my point before, I realized I’ve fallen so out of the loop with the book community 😦 during my first few months of hiatus, I still tried to maintain communication with my blogging friends through twitter. But then I started running out things to talk about—mostly because I no longer read. And soon I just… stopped. I stopped sharing stories and I don’t know, I guess I got too wrapped up in my routine.

But I still followed you all, you know. I never unfollowed anyone, so I watched the interaction between my blogging friends. I saw what they’re talking about, but I felt irrelevant. I don’t read the books they’re hyping, I don’t know those new authors they’re talking about, and there are a lot of new bloggers I just didn’t know.

You know that feeling when you’ve been away from friends for too long and things change and it’s just too awkward for you to join now? That’s pretty much how I feel and the reason I shy away from people. But now that I’m back to blogging, I can’t wait to rekindle those friendships and start some new ones 😀

Being excited to read and review

Remember the time when I read like 3 books per week and regularly post reviews of them? Yeah, me neither. It seems like a long time ago ðŸ˜‚  I have to admit : I love reading from when I was a kid, but blogging about the books I read actually motivate me to keep reading. When I was blogging, I always want to read the latest releases because of the hype—and frankly to ramble about them on my own blog.

But when I wasn’t blogging : 1) I didn’t even keep up with the latest release, I had no idea that my favorite authors are publishing new books. 2) I didn’t get the hype. 3) I’m too lazy to read because where’s the push? It’s not like I’m going to review it afterward 🙈

Coming up with fresh ideas regularly

Like it or not, having a blog forces you to be creative. It’s like running a magazine. You have to constantly come up with original post ideas, take pictures, play around with designs, and interact with other bloggers. It’s a constant challenge, but I like it. During my year of blogging, I have to say I’ve come up with several amazing & highly original post ideas that I’m proud of 😛

And that feeling motivated me to keep looking. I did regular brainstorming to come up with fresh ideas, but now? I’m running out of ideas. I grabbed my blogging notebook and looked at the list of post ideas I’ve had so far : most of them are no longer relevant, or overused. So, yeah… I think going back into blogging will get that creative juice flowing again ðŸ˜‚ 


We’re finally at the end of the post! Phewwww it’s been a while I write anything this long 😛 Anyway, those are all the things I miss the most from blogging. I’m sure there are more, but that’s all I can think for now. Have you ever gone on hiatus before? If so, what do you miss the most from blogging? LET’S CHAT! ♥

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18 thoughts on “Post Hiatus: 6 Things I Miss the Most from Blogging

  1. Oh this is such a great post ❤ I can relate to all of these, whenever I take a hiatus, no matter how small or big, I often feel this way, like I'm not going to be relevant anymore, like I will completely forget how to write blog posts, like no one will remember me, like I won't know anything about what's hyped at the moment or not 😂 Things move really fast around here, so that's especially scary, but I think it's so important and sometimes so well-needed, too, to take some little breaks. I hope you'll find your new rhythm soon! I'm sending you tons of love. It's so good to read your blog posts again!! ❤ ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much Marie 😀 ohhh that is definitely how I feel right now, I feel a little irrelevant and Idk, I guess it takes time to rediscover my place in the book blogging community… aaaanyway, I also agree that it’s alright because I was prioritizing and I’m actually happy to be back here ♥♥

      Liked by 1 person

      • I think that it might take a bit of time to find your place again, but you will and it will be like nothing has changed! Just a little time is needed to get back in the routine 🙂 ❤
        I'm so glad you are back as well! ❤ ❤

        Liked by 1 person

  2. I love this post so much ❤ I can totally relate, and I always get so scared whenever I take my hiatuses that I'll come back and that no one will know, and it completely sucks when you're out of the loop regarding bookish things. I also agree, blogging can be such a good practice for putting your thoughts into words, and blogging definitely helped me talk out loud and develop my own voice and how to communicate with others!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Julianna! ♥ I knoooooow rightttt! Though it turned out my friends haven’t forgotten about me hahaha but things did change and I don’t know, it’s for better and for worse I guess :’) those are definitely the upside of blogging!!


  3. I’ve been blogging for seven years now, and these are all the things I think I would miss if I stopped. I wrote reviews and articles and such for myself and friends before I had a blog (really before the Internet was as big as it is now), so I kind of can’t imagine not writing and sharing my thoughts. However, I also want to pursue a career in publishing, and I worry I WILL have to stop then because it might be a conflict of interest. I guess I’d have to blog about something random, like start a food blog or something. :/

    Liked by 1 person

    • That’s a pretty long time Briana!! 😀 ooooh I see how that might be a problem. Before I decided to come back from hiatus I actually thought about starting another non-book-related blog. I wanted to focus on lifestyle and life pondering–because I love pondering about life hahaha but I still haven’t got around it, so. Either way good luck with your career and the blog ♥


  4. What I love about writing is that no one can cut you off because they think you’re boring. You can get all your thoughts out there and hopefully someone will read them all! Blogging is really great because I don’t have much opportunity to talk about books offline, even with people who read. The conversation is usually very short, like I can get in two sentences about why I liked a book and then it’s over.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Exactly!! I love talking too but writing is a whole-nother different outlet ♥ I think this happens to a lot of people including me, most people I know don’t love books the same level as I do so I really love talking about books with fellow book bloggers 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Ahhh this blog post is so wonderful, and reading it made my heart warm, Puput! ❤

    I pretty much agree with everything you wrote, even though I'm pretty new to the blogosphere, and I love how your passion for blogging shines through your words. I can't wait to read more of your posts, I can already tell I'm really going to enjoy them. 🙂

    I hope you have a wonderful day! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I have taken a few blogging hiatus’s, and when I do I always miss having a creative outlet. And when I come back from one I sometimes find it hard to get back inti the swing of things, and write interesting content. I also always miss having a place to talk about books, because I don’t know many people offline who I can talk about books with.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I see how it takes some adjustment to get back into blogging–currently doing it right now ahaha but yeahhh me too, most people on my real life don’t share my level enthusiasm for books so the book blogging community always has a special place in my heart ❤


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