The Roles of Family in Young Adult Fiction // A LOT of Book Recommendations!

SPARKLING LETTERS BOOK BLOG- The Roles of Family in Young Adult Fiction + A LOT of Recommendations.jpg

Hello everyone, welcome to another discussion post! ♥

The other day I was taking a test and there were these whole questions about family. Like, how I see my family, how I feel about my parents, how I think I mean to them, etc, etc. It was easy, but it got me thinking and sparked the idea to write this post. Don’t worry, I’m not going to get serious and talk all philosophical, we’ll be talking about the role of family in books 😛

I’m sure you all have heard or read about 20 other discussions concerning missing parents or dysfunctional families, so I really hope I bring something new to this topic ♦ You must have noticed that ‘absent parents’ is one of the most common trope in YA fiction, especially fantasy. Absent parents could take on so many forms, and luckily I have made a list for you 😉

DISCLAIMER : These are the kind of absent parents that often show up in BOOKS, not in real life.

  1. Dead parents. This trope is super common to the point where it is overrated and no longer realistic. I mean, how many times have we met an orphan MC? This trope allows complete freedom and independence to the MCs. Popular books with this trope : Harry Potter, Throne of Glass.
  2. Single parent. I have no idea anymore of how often I encounter this trope in YA. It’s everywhere. And to top it all off, the single parents are usually too busy working or too clueless to actually pay attention to their children. Popular books with this trope : Twilight.
  3. Still married but no longer ‘together’. Okay I made this up I don’t know what this kind of trope is actually called 😛 basically the marriage is falling apart, you get idea. Parents like this usually can’t stand each other for too long and as a consequence, they neglect the children. Popular books with this trope : Jack’s parents from Holding Up the Universe 
  4. Insane parents. Like, literally, mentally ill parent (or sometimes just portrayed as ‘crazy’ for no reasons). Parents are usually too incapable of taking care of themselves, let alone their children. This trope usually forces the first children to take over their responsibilities by taking care of the house and their younger siblings. Popular books with this trope : Angelfall, The Hunger Games.
  5. Ignorant parents. Parents who belong to this trope are usually the irresponsible ones or the ones who are too busy with works. With no parental supervision, this trope allows children to do whatever they want and/or need to. 

No matter what form they take, the parents are still absent. They might make some appearances but not necessarily relevant to the story itself.

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Obviously there are reasons why this trope is common. Here are 4 reasons that I managed to come up with, feel free to add yours on the comment! 😉

1) YA fiction mainly focuses on… well, the young adults aka our heroes/heroines. Parents, or family in general, are not the main focus of the story and featuring them on too many scenes would probably steal the spotlight from the MCs. This happens especially in YA fantasy because the focus of the story is usually a quest or mission or some other things like that.

2) Absent family allows the main characters to do things that are otherwise impossible. Like… I don’t know, saving the world? 😛 Which is most likely impossible when you have two attentive parents and a bunch of siblings, I mean talk about danger and curfew and whatnot 😛 but in general, absent parents allow the main characters to grow up and be strong. The absence of parents force them to be independent, brave, and able to make decisions for themselves. All of which are needed in a strong protagonist ♦

3) Reduces the complications. This might be a little harsh but let’s be real, the absence of family literally make the story less complicated. The MCs only have to deal with their quests and problems without family getting in their way.

4) Sometimes they really are necessary because they move the stories. Like, if Harry’s parents were still alive, surely he wouldn’t need to fight Voldemort in the first place. Or if Penryn’s mother were perfectly sane, Penryn wouldn’t have to take as much care of her sister as she currently does. Mind you, I’m not completely against this trope. There are always exceptions to even the most cliche trope. I really don’t mind if it actually matters to the stories. 

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UNREALISTIC PORTRAYAL OF FAMILY. I don’t know about real statistics, but most of my friends in real life still have two, happily married parents. I mean obviously, I also have friends whose parents are divorced or have passed away, but the numbers aren’t as high. Besides, I don’t think authors could easily remove family from a character’s life because family is an important part of our lives. Like, no matter how old I am, or where I live, my family is still a big part of my life and they still influence most of the decisions I make in life ♥

MISLEADING. I have to admit, I used to think that in US (or every other western countries) divorces are really common and the majority of married couples would eventually get a divorce. I mean, don’t blame me, I read them in books. But I’ve come to learn that those aren’t true. I read news, watch tv, read someone’s blogs, and I realized that most couples do stay together. So why do books portray otherwise? I was definitely misled 😦

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BAD EXAMPLES. Let’s be honest, how many times have you encountered shitty parents in YA? My answer is a lot. Here’s one especially troubling example.

Emily’s parents from Since You’ve Been Gone are basically a brand-new form of missing parents. Like really, they were home but could not be disturbed for weeks because they were too busy preparing for a play. They left money and stock foods for Emily and her brother so they could take care of themselves? Um, no. My parents won’t stop telling us to eat and even if I’m away, or they’re away, they call to make sure we are taken care of. Or at least to make sure I have fed my brother. Apparently Fadwa also thought so 😛

I’m sure not everyone will think this far, but sometimes I wonder if this kind of absent-parent trope is strengthening the image that kids could only achieve great things if their parents aren’t around. Hmm, what do you think?

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Lucky for us, not all young adult books suffer from this kind of trope. There are a lot of books (mostly contemporary) that managed to do it right ♥ ♥ ♥


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THE SKY IS EVERYWHERE. I realized Lennie’s family is not at all perfect, but I love seeing them make the most of everything. The love between them is just so real and easy ♥

TO ALL THE BOYS I’VE LOVED BEFORE. Hmm when it comes to family goals, I’ve mentioned this book a couple of times before. Bottom line is, fabulous sister dynamic, responsible kids, and amazing dad. You can read my review here 🙂

PS I LIKE YOU. This family is just so so so real! Lily’s family is so loud and too involved with her family I mean hello #relatable! 😛

MY LIFE NEXT DOOR. Who doesn’t love The Garretts? ♥ My mom and dad both come from a family of 8 so I understood how loud yet fun big family could be.



ARISTOTLE AND DANTE DISCOVER THE SECRETS OF THE UNIVERSE. I love Dante and Ari’s parents so much!! They’re just so loving and accepting and still not without their flaws ♥

HOLDING UP THE UNIVERSE. I do admire Libby and her dad’s relationship. It’s nice to see them both try to understand and please each other. It’s one of those single parent done right. You can read my review here.

THE RAVEN BOYS. Another single parent done right. I love Blue and her mom’s healthy mother daughter relationship 😀 also Persephone and Calla!


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I’LL GIVE YOU THE SUN. Not exactly family goal, but a real portrayal of sibling rivalry. Watch out, sibling rivalry could be really scary 😛

ON THE FENCE. I absolutely love all Charlie’s brothers! They’re so fun, protective, and completely annoying at the same time ♥

ANGELFALL. Penryn and Paige’s relationship is definitely admirable. In fact, the whole plot of this book starts when Penryn wanted to save her sister.

A GATHERING OF SHADOWS. Man, the relationship between Kell and Rhys is just so adorable! ♥♥ Kell was bound to Rhys because of his duty, but their bromance is REAL! You can read my review here.

THE MORTAL INSTRUMENTS. Despite their brutality, can we just take a moment to swoon over Alec, Isabelle, and Jace? 😛

Other recommendation posts worth checking out

Christina @ Girl in the Pages talked about types of parents in literature 

Tracy @ Cornerfolds shared book recommendations that actually feature parents

Cait @ Paper Fury made a list of her favorite sibling tropes and book recommendations


YAYYY those are my take on family role in YA fiction! I’m honestly getting tired of all these absent-parent tropes, but I’m not completely against it. There are ALWAYS exceptions 😉 what do you think about the role of family in books? Are you okay with missing parents trope, or do you feel like parents need to make more appearances? I’d love to hear your thoughts!

Also, have you read any of the books I mentioned above? 😀 I’m OPEN to more recommendations! ♥

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59 thoughts on “The Roles of Family in Young Adult Fiction // A LOT of Book Recommendations!

  1. This was actually a really interesting discussion. I HATE the dead/single parents trope, it feels like that is a way to both gain sympathy for the MC and to justify any kind of random shit that the MC does. The reasons why parents are portrayed this way was spot on. Also, we definitely do need books which give a more realistic portrayal of family. I think out of all the books I’ve read, Ron Weasley’s family really stands out because I just thought that it was real and reading about them made me feel like they were my family. Also, even Twilight showed a good family life. And yep, the sibling relationship in I’ll Give You the Sun was beautifully and realistically portrayed.

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    • Thank you! ❤ oh yes it gave our MCs some tragic, dark back stories as some reasons for us to cut them some slack. Ah YES TO THE WEASLEYS! I actually thought of them when writing this post but eventually forgot to put it on the recommendation list :') but I guess HP don't need anymore recommending though? 😛 BUT, the weasleys is an example of family done right in fantasy, which is rare, and I wish more fantasy books would incorporate family as an important part of the MCs' lives 🙂

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  2. Another rec for involved parents done well: the Young Wizards series by Diane Duane. She balances kids who are wizards with concerned parents who have real relationships with their children so well.

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  3. I get that some people in real life really do have dead parents or they only have one parent, but I am kind of really tired of it in YA. Where are all the un-absent parents? I think that sometimes authors just get rid of parents for no real reason and it doesn’t really add to the plot…? But like you said, there are still some great books with absent parents where it really does move along the plot, like Harry Potter. Though I have mixed thoughts on the actual book, the family dynamic in To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before is my favorite! Margot, Lara Jean, and Kitty are all so close with each other and with their dad. I think it’s wonderful ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • Exactly! They just take out the parents from the pictures because it is simpler that way. Harry Potter also nails the amazing family portrayal with The Weasleys though, so there’s that 😀 I know right!! Their sisterly dynamic is just so so real and adorable, not to mention their dad! But what didn’t you like from TATBILB? I’m curious 😛


  4. I love this post! I’ve had several discussions with one person or another about how we want more present families in YA and how the absent parent trope is becoming slightly cliche. I have to admit I don’t always mind it in YA fantasy, only because I feel like it fits that idea of fantasy. If that makes any sense lol. But as far as contemporaries go I wish there were more books that had great family dynamics. Technically it isn’t so unrealistic that there are books with bad family dynamics as there are families out there that struggle with those problems but it’s so present in YA and there isn’t a lot of balance between the bad and good. Also, great recommendations! P.S. I Like You, The Sky is Everywhere, and My Life Next Door are some of my favorites as far as good family books. 😊

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    • Thank you Melissa! ❤ Sooo cliche! Hmm exactly what I was thinking, because really most of the plot in fantasy are impossible to happen with parents around hahaha but I find it really weird when authors use the absent parent trope on contemporary. I mean, contemporary revolved around a teenager's real life and if family is not in it, I don't know what it 😛 YESSS *high five*! Do you have any other family recs that I haven't mentioned? 😀

      Liked by 1 person

      • You’re welcome!! 💕
        Yep. And I’ve noticed that fantasy novels with parents either end up with them dead or disappearing.
        Exactly! So much of ours lives when we’re younger revolve around our families. It makes more sense to have the family dynamic present. 😊
        Our Chemical Hearts by Krystal Sutherland is another one with a pretty decent family dynamic. Sometimes the main characters parents seem a little distant but they’re really supportive and there for him when he needs them. Also, there’s a great sibling relationship in it that is probably one of my favorites. 😊

        Liked by 1 person

  5. Wow I loved this post! I actually just stumbled across your blog but I really thought this discussion was awesome and so interesting, plus it is all so true. I hardly see any proper parents in Young Adult fiction when in reality I’m pretty sure all parents of teenagers are super involved in their kids lives. But I did love the family dynamics in My Life Next Door and P.S. I Like You. And On The Fence has to be one of my favourite stories for sibling relationships! Thank you 🙂


    • Thank you and welcome to my blog! I hope you have fun and stick around 😛 exactly! I think even when I’m an adult my parents would still try to involve themselves in my life though haha 😛 Yes My Life Next Door has the cutest yet super loud family of ever! ❤ You're so welcome 😀


  6. This is a fantastic post! I hate the “ignorant parents” trope. It always pisses me off when I read a book of parents who are fully capable of taking care of their kids but chooses not to. A good rec for “insane parents” trope is Dorothy Must Die by Danielle Paige! Her mama is a piece of work.
    My Life Next Door is one of my favorite family reads! The Garretts are the perfect family, in my opinion.

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    • Aww thank you! ❤ I know right, sometimes it's weird to see kids doing whatever they want to at like 2am while I'm here having curfew and a gazillion of texts if I come home late :') Ohhh I have Dorothy Must Die on my TBR and definitely plan on getting to it soon ❤ thank you for the recommendations 😀

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  7. Wonderful post! You have such beautiful graphics and photos. Love all of the recommendations. I like that you’ve categorise d them. I hate th ignorant parents. I mean, this could happen but I don’t think to the extent of the parents never seeing their child. And, I hate the ones where the parents are gone off on a holiday for God knows how long just because. Like, no explanation, they’re on a holiday. It bugs me.

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      • Of course! 🙂 I love lists too! I couldn’t function if I didn’t make lists for everything. Yeah, and a lot of these people seem to have no other family either. I sure know my grandparents would kill me if I was acting like those teenagers at that age!

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  8. Thank you for the book recs!! I have written a post about missing parents in YA a long time ago, and in a way, I feel that it is a little bit lazy! It would be refreshing to have parents who are there, and who have a good relationship with their young adults – and that then, the saving the world became just an extension of that good relationship, you know?
    I love that you have found some with actual relationships, and I need to make sure they’re all on my TBR – I recognized some, like “Dante & Ari…”
    Maybe I want more ‘good’ parents in books because I’m a parent myself? I’m not at all the target audience for YA, but I love the themes that often show up in those novels, so I’m not going to deprive myself of a good story just because I’m over 40 😀
    Great post!

    Liked by 1 person

    • You’re welcome! 😀 so lazy, it’s just a simple way to reduce complications with parents 😦 Yeah, that’s why I love the family like The Weasleys because they do help and assist their children in saving the world 😛

      That’s possible, but I’m not a parent yet and I do want more good parents in book hahaha I mean, I’m pretty close with my family and no matter where I go I feel like they’re always gonna be a big part of me, it’s weird seeing family doesn’t seem to matter much in books 😦 ahaha I think 10 years from now I’ll still be reading YA 😛

      Thank you ❤


  9. This was a very interesting and great discussion! I’ve also always thought that divorce was very common in America because of books, haha.
    Even though I do dislike the absent parent trope, sometimes it feels a bit ‘necessary’ to the story. I mean, a hero/heroine with very involved parents would never be allowed to go on The Hunger Games-style adventures.
    I really like the relationship between Percy Jackson and his mom! Their relationship is definitely my favorite family relationship in books I’ve read about.

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    • Thank you! ❤ I know right!! I thought it was just me hahaha but divorce and single-parenting are just so common in books. Agreed, I'm on board as long as it moves the story and actually makes sense 😛

      Ohhh exactly! Most plots in fantasy are just insanely dangerous and if parents were around they would probably ground their children and just call the authorities or something 😛

      Ah yes! How could I miss Percy?! I love that he always makes sure to tell his mom that he's okay by using something blue! ❤


  10. What test is that and where can I take it? It sounds so interesting!

    Most of my friends have the conventional family structure too (for lack of a better word): two parents, married, etc., but I wonder if that’s because of society pressure. Once I get out of my “Indonesian friends” bubble and actually ask people how their parents are doing, the reality isn’t always that sweet – I think divorce, especially, still has such a HUUUGE stigma in Indonesia and in my experience people tend to stay in marriages to avoid that even if they’re unhappy.

    I personally feel like both portrayals are “realistic” – some people do have happy parents, some people have unhappy parents, some people’s parents are divorced, married, separated, etc. It’s just the abundance of absent parents in YA fiction that makes it a bit ??? for me, haha. It’s certainly not very balanced. 😛

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    • That’s actually a part of a job selection process, not sure where the relevancy is :’) Ahh that’s possibly, especially with the religious belief in Indonesia… I used to think it was only in here too, that divorce is actually very common in other countries. I found that it is common, but not THAT common 😛 yeeesss sometimes it so clearly seems that YA fiction eliminates parents from someone’s life only for the sake of simplifying the story! But I agree, what matters the most is the balance 😀


  11. I agree 100% with what you and everyone else has said! And I definitely agree that it’s an overused trope, absolutely. But. Maybe these authors feel that because there are so many kids/adolescents in the world these days (especially the US) that have absent parents, they want to write stories that they think will be “relatable” to young adults? Not sure. But this is a great discussion post! And so many great responses too!

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    • Thank you Megan! ❤ hmm that's possible, and I'm okay with that as long as it makes sense haha but the problem is sometimes they don't make sense, the parents are simply non existent and I find it weird? 😛 yesss the responses are amazing!! Thank you for stopping by 🙂

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  12. This is really interesting. I agree that most parents are just absent because it will be more convinient for the plot and allows more freedom for the teens. But on the other hand, YA people still needs their parents. They still need a kind of role model. Bad parents will motivate the children to be better, and good parents will inspired them. I really love your recommendations, those I had read are all my favorites, and I just add some books from your recs to my tbr haha!

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    • Yes it definitely makes it a lot simpler for the plot haha I know right, I’m okay with any kind of parents (because that’s how it is in real life) but their presence/absence have to make sense and if possible, relevant to the story. Hahaha I hope you enjoy it when you read it 😛


  13. Yes to anything by Kasie West. But I really enjoyed this article and I think you hit it spot on why parents need to be non-existent it books. But that also add another layer of conflict in the protagonist. So it’s an easy way to make sure they have reasons, anger, drive, whatever. They have acquired this trait because of their parental situation. That’s another reason I guess.

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    • Kasi West is the queen of YA contemporary romance! ❤ I can't wait for her next books. Exactly, the absence of parents push the MCs to rely on themselves instead of their family and I think that's a must-have quality for a hero/heroine especially in fantasy haha thanks for the input! 😀

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  14. Love this post! I love all your family recommendations as well, I’ve read most of them and completely agree that they portray a good family 😀 Also I think that it is really an easy way to give the kids free reign in a story. I don’t think I can think of a “chosen one” book that had a good family in it? I mean always the parents are dead, absent, or the kids are away at a boarding school.

    I don’t mind to much but I also really love books with real portrayals of family, To all the boys I’ve loved before has to be one of my faves 😀

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    • Yayyy thank you! ❤ OHHH THAT'S TRUE! That trope is negatively correlates with the absence of parents!! I think it's way easier without parents supervising the kids hahah but I love Percy Jackson and his mom, Percy is also a chosen one (with the prophecy and everything) but Rick Riordan still managed to create a wonderful relationship between them ❤


  15. Love this post and some great recs! I feel like the missing parent trope has always been a thing. Even in disney movies – one of the parents is always dead! At least when I was growing up with the classics. It’s so weird that they do that for stories meant for younger kids / young adults ?!

    Molly @ Molly’s Book Nook

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    • Thank you! ❤ OOHHHH that's true, Belle, Ariel, Cinderella, and Snow White grew up without their moms! No wonder modern literature follows the same path though hahaha I think the absence of parent in child/YA lit is mainly used to 'push' our MC to be stronger and more independent 🙂

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  16. This is a REALLY interesting post! I feel like on one hand, it IS good to have all different kinds of family examples, so it IS good from that end, since there are so many definitions of family. BUT I also agree that “Parent-in-YA Syndrome” is a big problem, because like you said, a lot of times it IS just for convenience. Like, in fantasy and dystopian kind of settings, sure, it makes more sense because LOTS of people are dead basically. So a few dead parents is probably quite logical. But in a contemporary, having a bunch of REALLY awful and missing parents for NO reason isn’t really that believable. I remember I was reading this book, and the character’s mom just took off, no reason, just to go galavanting in France or something. And I guess maybe it DOES happen, but this was so RANDOM, it didn’t make sense to me. So I definitely think you are right about there being times that it totally works, because it DOES. Would Katniss have been close enough to Prim to even volunteer if she hadn’t basically been her surrogate mom? Stuff like that. I like when it is fleshed out well, too. NOt just “oh, mom left” or “dad’s dead”. Make it nuanced if it has to be there!

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    • THANK YOU! ❤ I agree, it's all about balance because different kind of family does exist in real life 🙂 EXACTLY! The missing parents in fantasy seem more like a normality so I'm not even gonna go there, BUT missing parents in contemporary is just NO, because basically every young adult lives with their parents and when said parents are unavailable all the time, it's just weird… that's why I absolutely dislike the parents from Since You've Been Gone :') hahaha taking off to France without real reason just doesn't make sense! 😦 thank you for your opinions! ❤


  17. WOW I AM IN LOOOoooOOoooOOOVE with this post 😍😍
    1. um yes you are 10000% correct. Where are the parents in YA? Like, I get for some stories the lack of parents actually has a big impact on the stories and actually matters (like in HP) but often times I feel like books are just trying to get parents of the way. I. Don’t. Think. So.
    2. WHY DO ALMOST ALL THE PARENTS SUCK IN YA?? I’m actually so confused. Most parents rock through! Why can’t we give parents some love! I feel like this also builds on teen aggression to parents. I’m a teen and my mom is from India—aka I RESPECT HER AND MY FATHER AS WELL. But i live in the US and I see other kids and I’m like…why is there so much angst??? Your parents are not that bad!!! I feel like YA can perpetuate that drama a bit.
    3. SIBLINGS! ALSO SUPER IMPORTANT!! you thought of everything, you smart little snickerdoodle
    4. omg now my tbr has grown soooo much. THANKS FOR THE RECS 😁


    • OMG YES this comment absolutely made my day you’re so sweet <3<3 *flail happily*

      Ehm, okay… I KNOW RIGHT!! Parents are being thrown from the story just for the sake of convenience and it's just weird! OMG YES THE TEEN ANGST, one more trope I'm tired of seeing! I mean, I get that being teenager is full of emotional roller coaster and I didn't get along THAT well with my parents when I was a teenager myself, but YA kinda takes it a little too far, don't you think?hahaha and yes to sibling! Why thank you, I know I'm very thorough 😛 oh please do read them (almost) all of these books are my favorite! ❤

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  18. I think you pretty much covered everything! I feel like the main reason parents are missing is just to uncomplicate things and make it so that the teenagers characters can do whatever they want and stay out all night and get into danger while saving the world or whatever and no one is around to stop them. I never could’ve done even a quarter of the things characters do because my parents would never have let me. And I had a curfew of midnight even when I was 18, so… lol.

    I do like seeing good parents in books. I like it even better when the parents or the parent-child relationship isn’t all perfect and unicorns and rainbows, but you can tell they love each other and are trying since that’s more realistic, you know? You’re right that there are always exceptions though, and sometimes it really is necessary for the parents to be missing. Great post!

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    • Yayyy! 😀 Exactly, it’s just more convenient for the parents to be missing hahaha OMG even now when I’m 21, my parents still call and text every time I go out at night!! Hahaha ❤ truuuue! Realistic and balanced portrayals are the best. Thank you 🙂


  19. ABSENT PARENTS ARE SO ANNOYING!! Like, do you not care about this living, breathing creature that you produced??? Are you going to let them go around the universe without any complain? What??
    I never really thought about Since You’ve Been Gone but oh my god, her parents left her alone practically the entire summer for a play. That’s very messed up!
    On the other hand, family when portrayed properly makes a story all the more lovable and relatable! The family in To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before is so adorable 🙂

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    • Exactly what I thought!! OMGGG Emily’s parents on SYBG are so so so NOT realistic! I mean, I get it if they leave Emily alone she’s a good daughter who probably can take care of herself and be responsible, but her brother? He’s a kid so it’s just weird :’) agreed! I think it’s one of my favorite part from contemporary books though hehe ❤

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  20. I can’t stand absent parents in YA. I get that sometimes it lets characters get away with more stuff but there are also parents who give their children enough freedom for a plot in contemporaries to develop normally and still represent a good family dynamic. Families could be handled so much better 😕

    Thanks for the recommendations! I already had a lot of those on my list but I’m excited to know they explore family relationships ❤

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  23. I love this post! I think families are an incredibly important part of life and whenever I write, I like to write stories where the families are very present just because I think a lot of the time, it’s the families that shape who a person is. I know I spend more time with my parents than I do anyone else and they make me who I am. Obviously not all families can be perfect and every family has it’s quirks but I think it’s important to be representing every kind of family.

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  27. Thanks for this thoughtful blog post. (I know, I’m a year behind in reading it – teachers get super-busy!) I’ve shared it with my English department, and the librarian, too. Will definitely look into some of your recommendations, both for myself and my students.


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