Sparkling Letters // Getting My Bachelor Degree & Extreme Makeover for My Blog


Hello there! Did you notice the new theme of my blog? The new header? Even more, the new name? I did an extreme makeover for my blog and decided to publish it in the event of my graduation. That’s right people, I just graduated from university and I’m sooo HAPPY! ♥♥♥

Bachelor Degree

First thing first, I would love to share the happy news. On July 12, 2016, I finally earned my bachelor of psychology degree after going through a two-hours minor thesis defense session. It was probably the most stressful and anxious situation I have ever been in. I was so nervous I might be having a panic attack… Continue reading


Internship Experience

Time flies when you’re having fun.

That is definitely so true! Ngga kerasa 2 bulan kegiatan magangku udah selesai kemarin… huhu jadi sedih 😦 but I am happy! Happy and grateful that I had the chance to experience this internship. And nowww I’m gonna tell you all about it.

Note : it’s gonna be a very long post. Continue reading


Teman Curhat

Ada yg bilang kalau anak psikologi itu teman curhat yg baik. But are we really?

So, let me tell you a bit about myself. I’m an extremely, extremely talkative person. Kata ayah dan mama, dari masih balita aku udah bawel, dari baru bisa ngomong kerjanya udah ngoceh terus. Ngga cuma itu, ngomongnya juga cepet banget, merepet lah istilahnya. Sampai sekarang, aku masih bawel dan masih cepet kalau ngomong. Cuma yaa udah bisa ngerem, udah bisa baca situasi, udah ngerti kapan dan sama siapa aku bisa kaya gitu dan sebaliknya. Aku juga orangnya super terbuka, apa-apa diceritain. Jangankan sama teman dekat, sama teman baru yg baru mulai akrab aja aku udah bisa curhat. You can call me ‘pancing dikit curhat’. Continue reading