NEW Sparkling Letters: Revamping the Blog with New Concept

Hi all, long time no see.

It feels like I always start my blog post with similar sentence — it’s either “long time no see” or “it’s been several months since I last posted” or it’s been a while…”. I don’t think I’d ever get back to regular blogging like I used to back in 2016-2018.

The truth is, I don’t think I can continue book blogging. I don’t read as much now, I don’t keep up with the latest updates in the book industry, I lost track of latest releases, especially from the new authors. I just recently got back into regular reading since last year and now I mostly just read for fun — no more over analyzing every single aspects like I did before 😦 so it’s safe to say, I ran out of things to write even if I want to continue book blogging.

So last year, I started a new blog (it’s been a few times actually) where I can talk about random things about life, my parenting / working journey, and occasionally talk about books. I like having that new blog, I can pour my thoughts into writing and do what I love again. But I HATE the new wordpress set up 😦 I can customize the layout the way I wanted to. Everything is paid now and not just 1-time payment but it has to be a year long, expensive subscription and even after I upgraded my wordpress account, there’s still limited option and I hate how basic my blog looks like.

You can visit my new blog : https://bookabookooid.wordpress.com/

Meanwhile…. look at this blog!! It’s definitely not the best blog design out there, but I love it so much. It’s clean and small and the color is ME. It looks lovely to me. I considered using this blog with the new content but I was kinda worried. This blog has had a lot of subscribers who are mostly fellow book bloggers, I feel like I will disappoint all of you if I started changing the content of this book.

I thought about this for a long time but the truth is, I’m not doing anything with this blog either. It just sits here gathering dust, with its lovely layout. So here we are… I will officially continue to use this blog, but with the new concept.


With this new branding, I will focus more on random personal thoughts on life, parenting, and (to keep this from straying far) I will keep talking about books & reading. Not just adult & YA books, but I also talk about children books because now I have a little reader whose book collections will surpass mine in a few years. I will also migrate some posts from my previous blog — and some of the posts are written in Bahasa Indonesia or mixed between Bahasa & English.

I understand if this might not be your niche anymore, as most of you are following me because of the book contents so please feel free if you want to unsubscribe. BUT I will be very happy if you decide to stick around ❤


Now I want to hear your thoughts!!

Those of you who have been blogging for years, what have changed? How did you manage to tackle on life challenges? Please share your experience with me too 🙂


I Miss You My Blogging Friends!

It’s been 3 years since I last posted in this blog. I looked at my old posts and realized, I kept saying I wanted to go back to blogging but never did and ended up neglecting this blog 😦

Guess I got too wrapped up in life. Since 2019, I have gotten busier at work, got promoted, got married and had my baby girl in 2020.

Since then, I’ve been trying to balance between work, married life, and taking care of my daughter, which is a lot of work. Starting from those nightfeeding, the struggle of breastfeeding, complimentary food, reading to her every night, teaching this and that, stimulating her sensory, gross motors, fine motors, speech skill, etc it was literally never ending. Also I am so very exhausted after all these that I just want to lay in bed at night, playing with my phone.

Now that my daughter is almost 2,5 years old and things are less hectic, I found that I am in need of some hobbies, things I can focus on other than housework & my job. So I started to get back into reading (with not much success so far) and I started a side job as a Book Advisor.

Book Advisor is actually a Marketing for this children book publisher named Mandira, but we call ourselves Book Advisor because we aren’t just simply promoting & selling books, but also promoting the importance of early literacy for our children. We spread awareness and encourage young parents to start reading to their babies as early as possible, inform the tips & trick, and become partner to discuss everything about books and readings.

Of course, at the end of the day we hope to get a sale, but it’s so much more than that.

When I write about early literacy, about the challenges to get our kids to love books, I reflect on my own experience. I always love sharing and writing felt so familiar. I used to write all the time as a blogger and then I stopped, and now getting back to it feels so natural and easy.

After 3 years, I visited my blog again. I thought I forgot my password and won’t be able to even log in, but I had the password saved on this laptop. Surprisingly, I still get traffics! People still visited my blog, linked my post to their own posts, and even comments. Of course the number is way lower than when I was actively blogging, but it still warmed my heart. So to my visitors, even though you stumbled upon my blog by chance, I’m very grateful 💖

I think I want to start blogging again. Maybe I will write about young adult books again, or maybe I will write about children’s books, my experience with my daughter, or my personal life. I also want to get back to reading again now that I have the time.

So tell me, what books would you recommend to me? Young adult, fantasy, science fiction, romance, I’m open to anything! Let’s chat and tell me about yourself. I miss you all and the blogging community so much ❤


Coffee Toffee: The Perfect Place for Reading, Blogging, and Hanging Out

Coffee toffee - SPARKLING LETTERS (2)

“Happiness is a cup of coffee and a good book”

You may have noticed that I don’t usually do this kind of post… but hear me out first! A week ago, one of my close friend called and invited me to the opening of Coffee Toffee‘s newest outlet in Bogor. He works for the company so obviously, I was excited to come see for myself! 😀 Continue reading


Blogging 101

I don’t know how you stumbled on to my page, but hey, WELCOME! 🙂

Kenalin dulu. Namaku Khairunnisa Putri Kanhida, yg artinya ‘sebaik-baiknya anak perempuan putri dari Kania dan Hidayat (my parents)’. Biasa dipanggil Puput. 21 tahun. I’m a psychology student who loves to read, write, and dream.

Blogging sebetulnya bukan hal baru buat aku. Dulu sekali, waktu SMP (sekitar tahun2006) aku punya blog dan lumayan aktif nulis macam-macam. Masuk SMA, blog mulai kalah populer. Waktu itu lagi jaman-jamannya microblogging mulai dari plurk sampai yg paling populer ya twitter. Aku, seperti remaja-remaja korban zaman lainnya, jelas langsung pindah ke twitter yg rasanya dulu fun banget. Ngga lama setelah itu, tumblr mulai populer. And of course, I signed up. Hehe. Mulai sering nulis ini itu di tumblr, dari mulai curhatan galau ala anak SMA, reblogging foto-foto & quotes, sampai tulisan yg lumayan berbobot ada disitu.


My tumblr : pupuutc.tumblr.com

And then, I got busy with life.

Sejak kuliah, jaraaang bgt yg namanya buka-buka blog atau tumblr atau apa lah itu. Sekalinya buka, post terakhirnya udah bertahun-tahun yg lalu, isinya masih galau, bahasanya masih lebay. Pokoknya bikin males deh buat ngelanjutin.

But the truth is, I love writing. Always have, always will. Dan sekarang aku lihat blogging makin banyak diminati, apalagi di era serba digital seperti sekarang ini. Aku suka baca-baca blog orang, it’s refreshing and inspiring at the same time. That’s why, I started this blog again. I want to write. I want to share what’s on my mind and inspire people. I love books, I love makeups, I have a lot of personal thoughts, and sometimes I write short stories. Maybe I’ll write about them, maybe I’ll write something else.

So if you happened to stumble on to my page, and read it, and maybe somehow I inspired you, let me know 🙂


Happy reading!