Figuring Out Your Perfect Blogging Schedule


Hello everyone! ♥

Today we’ll be talking about blogging schedule. I know a lot of you must have had your own schedules, but when I talked about it on my wrap up post last month, a lot of bloggers said that they still haven’t figured out their own schedule and they really want to change that. So here I am, sharing what I learned so far about things to consider when you want to create a blogging schedule 😀 

Before we start, let me make it clear that there is no one right way to blog. You can post whenever you feel like it. Any schedule (or no schedule at all) could work, as long as you’re happy with it. But if you’re a super organized, perfectionist bean like me, here are some suggestions that might help ♥

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Again, you are entitled to post however often you want. It’s your blog. But as a matter of fact, I noticed that most bloggers and most readers do have preference. When I first started, I hadno schedule whatsoever. I wrote a post when I felt inspired and posted it right away. Then I’d go a few weeks without posting at all because I had no idea on what to write. As you might have guessed, my stats were unstable and such a mess.

Up until January, I posted every other day. For several months it was going well. I had a lot of ideas and stats were high. But then I started to run out of original ideas and I got overwhelmed by the amount of comments I received. That’s when I knew I needed better schedule. I came up with 3 times a week : Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. I can safely say that it’s going really well, both for me and my stats. At least for now 😛

Several polls had also been conducted on Twitter to answer this question. I also did a poll on this post a few months ago and the result was pretty similar. It seems like most people post and/or prefer 2-3 times a week. Why? Because most people, including me, think that it’s very manageable. ANYWAY, I created a list of pros and cons to compare the frequency of posting and I hope it helps 😀

Posting everyday


  • More posts for your readers to read
  • More page views and visitors on your blog
  • Must mean that you have a lot of post ideas… keep it up 😛


  • Readers could get bored of your posts (ouch but true)
  • Forces you to come up with a lot of ideas
  • Your posts would be rushed and of less quality
  • It’s time consuming. I mean, imagine having to write, post, and reply to comments everyday. If you’re a student or working full time, this could be very stressful

Posting every other day


  • A little more manageable than posting everyday
  • You have at least a day to rest and draft your posts
  • Still a lot of page views and visitors


  • You still have to come up with a lot of ideas (I’ve been there)
  • Probably still too many posts for your readers to keep up

Posting 2-3 times a week


  • A lot more manageable
  • Gives you time to come up with high quality ideas
  • Lots of time to breathe
  • Readers look forward to your posts
  • Your stats will still be pretty stable


  • Probably still too many posts if you’re working full time

Posting once a week


  • Very manageable
  • You don’t need to stress too much


  • Less page views and visitors
  • Your stats will probably be unstable, unless you know to promote

Posting whenever you feel like posting


  • Very chill, no stress whatsoever 🙂
  • You don’t have to constantly come up with ideas and/or write the posts


  • Very likely, you’ll only get page views and visitors when you post
  • Most readers prefer consistent posting
  • If you don’t post for a while without any hiatus announcement, people might unfollow your blog

Alright! Now you know the pros and cons to each frequency. BUT please don’t let me dissuade you from your own working schedule! If you’re used to posting everyday and it works for you, then keep it up! If you’re used to post whenever you want yet still maintain a high stats, then don’t change anything! As long as they don’t affect you, ignore the cons 😀

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There’s no ideal time to post.

I read a lot of advice on it and most of them suggests certain time of the day, but you know what? It’s the internet. It’s always on 24/7. I have readers from all over the world, and it doesn’t really matter when I publish my post. I could post at 7pm my time, but it’s still noon in Europe, morning in the US, and already almost midnight in Australia. Really, it doesn’t make any difference. Plus blog is a slow paced social media, unlike Twitter and instagram, so people would still see your post eventually.

Personally, I like to post at 7-8 in the evening but that’s because it’s my free time 🙂


Before you ask what in the ever loving hell did I mean by composition, let me explain. I mean it’s a ratio between types of posts. Ratio between book reviews, memes, discussions, etc. I can’t stress this enough but again, there’s no correct ratio between posts. You can post whatever you want, whenever you want, it’s your blog. I used to do just that.

I used to post like… 5 discussions in a row with no reviews. I used to post whenever I have an amazing ideas. And then I went through my 5-reviews-in-a-row-with-no-discussions phase. I hate it. I wanted my things to be… neat, and when I was posting like that, I felt like it was a mess. And then I tried to alternate between reviews and discussions, but very soon I ran out of topics for my discussion posts. It was frustrating, until I finally found the perfect schedule.

Like I said, there’s no right ratio between posts, but if you’re having the same problems as I did, here are some pointers :

  1. I don’t post reviews in a row because as we already know, reviews tend to generate less page views. Which means if I post several reviews in a row, my stats would be low.
  2. Don’t post discussion posts in a row because you’ll run out of ideas very quickly. It’s not easy to constantly come up with original ideas for discussions. I understand the urge to constantly post discussions when your brain is overflowing with idea, but I found it wiser to save them for later. There will be time when you run out of ideas and that’s when those ideas will come in handy 😛
  3. I don’t post memes, tags, and awards in a row either because I’ve learned that most people don’t like it when a blog is full of ONLY memes. They want to see various kinds of posts.
  4. Figure out how often could you come up with quality posts, how often could you read books and write the reviews? Having to post 2 discussions in a week was very overwhelming to me, and even once a week is still pretty hard. A lot of people post one discussion a month and it works well for them.

My Schedule.jpg

Now that I’ve shared the general guidelines, I want to show you how I came up with my schedule! 😀 Trust me, this isn’t random. Like I said above, I used to post every other day yet I still felt overwhelmed. I started to feel overwhelmed ever since I received more and more comments. I had to divide my time to write the posts, reply comments, and blog hop. And that many activities no longer allowed me to post every other day.

I resort to 3 times a week because I think it’s perfect for me. I could relax a little and come up with more quality posts without the stress of having to post every other day, yet my stats are still pretty high and stable. 

TUESDAY – Random posts
Every now and then I’m compelled to write posts that don’t belong to reviews nor discussions. Posts like memes, tags, award, random lists, personal posts, etc. That’s why I picked one day just for this kind of post. I picked Tuesday because I sometimes still do Top Ten Tuesday, my one and only favorite meme. So on the week I feel like doing TTT, I could fit it to my posting schedule 😀

THURSDAY – Book reviews
Even if reviews always receive less traffic, to me it’s still the heart of book blogging. I’m never getting rid of it because I actually love writing and sharing my reviews. However, I put it in the middle of the week so I could save my stats :’)

SATURDAY – Bookish & blogging discussions
Generally, page views are high the day you publish a post and then decline the next days, until you publish another post. Discussion posts always generate more traffic, that’s why I put it on Saturday because I have two days until the next post comes out. Also, people blog more during the weekend so I don’t worry my stats will plummet 😛


Alright everyone those are some things to consider when you’re trying to figure out your posting schedule aaaand a sneak peak to mine 😀 What about you? How many times do you post a week and do you think it’s the best schedule for you? Once again, this shouldn’t change the way you blog. If you’ve established your perfect schedule, stick to it. Don’t let me and others dissuade you. But if you’re still trying to figure out your schedule, I hope this helps ♥

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78 thoughts on “Figuring Out Your Perfect Blogging Schedule

  1. We do an every other day schedule at our blog which works since it’s 2 of us. But like you said, it has to be whatever fits in with your life. And also so you can save up some ideas for later. There have been times I’ve posted every day and then just skipping 1 or 2 days too.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. This is a helpful post,Puput.Thank you for sharing the schedule 🙂 I do think 2-3 times a week is what I am following right now but when my fingers start itching I figure out a random post.

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  3. I’m pretty lucky that I don’t run the blog on my own but have Sandra to do it with me because this way we both usually post about 3 times a week and it’s not too much stress to keep on top of comments and blog hop – or at least for myself. But Sandra hasn’t said anything about feeling like it’s too much, so I think we’re good for now.

    We definitely try to make sure that we post a variety of posts and don’t do too many of the same kind per week. We usually do two weekly memes, a review, a discussion/chat type of post and then a random post that usually also is a spur of the moment type of post – those are usually the most fun ones to write! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Ahahah I don’t have a c0-blogger but it’s safe to say figuring things out on my own is pretty fun too hahaha 😛 I think 3 times a week is perfect, at least for me hehe yayyy that’s great! I know I get bored if I see a book blog with only reviews/tags in it hehehe

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  4. Ugh, I love my blogging schedule. I’ve adjusted it multiple times since I’ve started blogging, but this month seems to be a sweet spot because my stats have been through the roof, so obviously it works? 😂

    I post on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and Sundays, so it’s sort of “every other day.” Since I feel like stats are usually low on weekdays in general, that’s where I put my reviews, which Monday and Wednesday are for. On the weekends, my stats tend to be better, so that’s when I post awards/tags/discussions/lists, etc. It’s worked so far!

    I used to post early in the mornings when I started blogging, but stopped because school was starting up and I couldn’t do it. Then I moved it to 4 in the afternoon because I’m home by that time. But track started up and I couldn’t post and share on social media in that time before practice, so I moved it to 6-7 in the morning, when I wake up to go to school. So far, it’s been really successful, and I’m probably going to keep it!

    I don’t know if I have a ratio. I just squish my reviews together and then other stuff on the weekends, so I guess not? 😂

    Liked by 1 person

  5. This is a great post! You really covered a lot of things that new bloggers can think about when they’re just starting out. I also worry a lot about running out of material, so I try to spread things out.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. This is great! So many bloggers seem to have a schedule to what they post and I haven’t been able to find one that works for me. It’s nice to see ideas written out like this post and pros and cons for them. I think it will help me be able to better organize my blog. Thanks!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. This is so helpful! I try to post 3 times a week but at the moment I’m struggling to stick to certain days as I’m working different days each week and that’s really stressing me out. I try to stick to one review a week and then discussions/tag/memes I’ll try to do one every two weeks and spread them out a bit. I don’t tend to look at stats so much because I don’t get a lot of views anyway so I just go with what works for me.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Sophie! 😀 me too, I’m experiencing some work-related changes in my life and I feel a little overwhelmed with blogging 😂 I think that’s great, the only thing that matters is figuring out the schedule that works best for YOU ❤


  8. Great post! I don’t really have a schedule yet since I haven’t been blogging for long. But I’m aiming towards posting one discussion a month and I’ve recently started doing Diversity Spotlight which means I post every Thursday, and reviews just go up depending on when I finish a book! This month I’ve almost posted every other day but I don’t think this is the best schedule for me. Might trial three times a week next month because it seems like a manageable number!

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  9. I am still figuring out my schedule, ever since August. As of now, my schedule is Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. I need to spread out and see what’s up. Schedule posts help a big time! I try to do them in advance so I won’t have to worry too much about them. Thank you for sharing! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • It took me a while to come up with my current schedule as well haha yes you should! I think trying out new schedule is important because that’s the only way you could know what works best for YOU 😀 and yes scheduling post in advance definitely helps hahaha you’re welcome, I hope it helps ❤

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  10. I currently have posts scheduled Mon-Sat, and have been on that scheduled for the past couple months. Right now it works for me. It also helps that I schedule some (2 or 3 a week) blog tour posts/cover & excerpt reveals that come with pre-written HTML code so I don’t have to worry to much about those. I love that you shared this tho. Everyone has their own way to do things, and I love that everyone is different

    Liked by 1 person

    • That’s great! As long as it works for you then it must be the perfect schedule 😀 also yes to scheduling posts in advance! It really helps especially when I’m swamped with works hehe thank you! And yes everyone is different and there’s no right way to blog 🙂


  11. Great post! I love how you broke down a variety of posting frequencies into pros and cons.

    My current schedule is a bit all over, because it changes depending on how much time I have once work is finished. But I have a minimum of three that go up a week, plus 2 or so more that I do when I have time. I write all my posts on Saturday (though a book review might get done through the week, before I totally forget about it), and read them over the night before they go live. I find this works well, because I can focus on comments and reading other posts through the week, rather than writing in the evenings.

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  12. This is soooo ME. Like I’m reading this and thinking “she like 100% knows my blogging schedule”. 😂 The only difference is I post Saturday, Monday and Tuesday. And I mean, I know I have a huge break there between Tuesday and Saturday but I’m SUPER busy Thurs/Fri so I don’t feel like posting then and Tuesday is usually my biggest post of the week (being a TTT) so I spend that long catching up on comments and returning blog visits!! I also post at 7pm, which I find is great for the Aussie bloggers and then I wake up to the Americans having commented. And my stats are all really nice so it’s working for me! Yayyyyy. 🎉 I think it’s important for every blogger to know what works for THEM, but this generally means we should all try lots of stuff!!

    Anyway, I’m saving this post to share at my end-of-month recap because eeeveryone needs to read it.😊

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    • Hahaha watch out Cait I might or might no be a mind reader 😛 ahh yeah, but it’s understandable and I agree, sometimes catching up on comments and visiting back take so many times hahaha me too! When I wake up and check my wordpress there are always comments from the US bloggers 😛 exactly! And I think the figuring out part is really fun because we get to experiment with things and then when we eventually figure out the perfect schedule, it will be so satisfying 😛

      Awww I’m flattered hahaha thank you! ❤


  13. I like that you establish that you have to be realistic to what you can do and what you want from your blogging schedule. I’ve been reading about how analytics helps you plan when to post. Free WordPress doesn’t allow you to get help from Google Analytics. For what Free WordPress does allow, you can see what percentage of your readers read your posts at the most popular time and at the most popular day. Scheduling posts to fit that is supposed to increase your readership. Frankly, I can post twice a week, and I schedule almost everything.

    I like that you assign a type of post to a certain day. I haven’t thought of doing it, but that looks like a good system.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes I think it’s important to be realistic because after all blog isn’t all my life and I have to balance things out hehe yeahhh I only have free wordpress either but I think the stats help out a lot 😀 ahh yes I got the idea from other bloggers as wellm and then experimented what works best for me 🙂

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  14. I’ve tried to follow a blogging schedule but mostly I just blog whenever I feel like it 😂 Mostly that translates to four posts a month. I keep thinking I should put some structure to my blog but I honestly can’t be arsed. Maybe in the future. At any rate, I know where to go to look for advice if I decide to actually make a blogging schedule!

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Lovely post, Puput 🙂 I’m posting about 3 times a week on Sundays, Wednesday and Fridays and it’s already a bit hard to keep up with blog hopping and everything while working full time. Everyone needs to find their own blogging rhythm after all, you’re right 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  16. I post reviews regularly on Tuesday and Saturday. Every two weeks I do Diversity Spotlight Thursday because I totally enjoy talking about books I’m looking forward to. Sunday is reserved for tags and discussion posts, if I have a topic. I changed my posting schedule from late afternoon to just past midnight (German time) and I’ve seen results!

    Very insightful post!

    Liked by 1 person

  17. Pingback: Something Else Sunday - The Bent Bookworm

  18. This is extremely helpful! I always post whenever I like but I find it hard to attract readers to my blog. I have been switching between memes and reviews but I guess I will include discussions from now on! Thanks for the suggestions!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I used to post whenever I liked as well ahaha oh yes discussion post is precious! I actually wrote a post about why people should write a discussion post & some tips and tricks, would love to link it but don’t wanna seem like I’m shamelessly promoting my post so let me know if you’re interested hahaha 😛


  19. Love this, Puput! I started out with like 4-6 posts a week but have downgraded to 2-3 posts a week, because like you said – it’s just more manageable that way. I think once I’ve “settled” into the routine of having a book blog, the “high” kind of fades away and I need a schedule that is less demanding so I could keep up with it without, like, stretching myself too much.

    I also agree with so many of your findings here! I try to mix up my posts, and my general schedule looks kind of like yours — Tuesdays for TTT or a random post, Thursdays for Book Looks or Book Reviews, and the weekends for tags, wrap-ups, and discussions. I’m not sure if I switch up this schedule certain posts will be more successful, but for now this is what works for me so this is what I’ll be going with. 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Reg! 😀 I know right? It seemed so easy to do (4-6 posts a week) when we just started out because we were still on that blogging honeymoon phase where everything was awesome hahaha but then when the honeymoon was over, well, it was time for me to change my schedule as well 😂

      Ahh I didn’t realize that our schedule is pretty similar! Hahaha I might change things up in the future but just like you, right now this is what works best for me ❤


  20. I don’t have a solid posting schedule. I generally post at least four times a week (including my Sunday Post), but sometimes I post almost every day. I actually want to post less some weeks, but I end up posting more because otherwise I just can’t get everything in! I have a bunch of books for review, so I want to post reviews for those. And then I have things like the monthly wrap-up round-up and my own wrap-up posts and an occasional TTT—I can’t manage to do much less than three per week and still get it all in! (Even with doing a lot of bite-sized review posts instead of full reviews.) Still, my (non)schedule seems to be working pretty well for me for now, so I’ll probably keep it up. We shall see!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Ahahah I think it’s cool if you’re happy with it! And it’s amazing that you can manage with so many posts in a week. For me lately, even 3 posts a week gets a little bit overwhelming hehe and yeees I have so many reviews to post as well! I try spreading things up or doing mini reviews haha


  21. I have no solid plan when it comes to my blog. I have the vague intention to post review Monday and Wednesday and then Fridays for other posts and I always have a Sunday post. That’s about it and Friday posts don’t always happen depending on schedules idea and life. That is as solid as my routine gets and this has taken me a while to develop. I while ago I decided not to take part in top ten Tuesday and stuff like that even though it boosts traffic simply because I don’t have time to write those posts and I stopped enjoying them. Instead, I focus on writing my own words and thinking of my own ideas.

    I also don’t have a particular time for posting, I normally just do a read through and post in the morning but it depends if I have time and if I’ve decided to schedule something.

    I do agree that your blog schedule is all about what works for you, you can post too much but if you’re happy committing to daily content go for it and if you’re only free a couple of times a week then stick with that. It’s not easy to learn but once you do you’re happier for learning that you just have to stick with what makes you happy.

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    • I think that schedule is great, every other day generally works well though hehe I don’t do TTT regularly either. I used to when I first started but then it started to become stale haha now I only join in if the prompt resonates with my own post idea hahaha

      I know right! It really doesn’t matter if you post every day or every week as long as it suits you and you’re happy with it 😀


  22. For a multitude of reasons (many of which are apparent in my blog title) I am slowly learning to just post when I can. It was becoming a burden and no longer the hobby I love. I was setting impossible goals for myself while trying to manage this illness and my family/work. I normally tend to post 2-3 times a week, but sometimes I just can’t. I enjoy the amount of posts you put up. I never feel overwhelmed trying to keep up with your blog, yet you are always present for a nice, rewarding read. You come across as very balanced ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • It’s alright, as long as it suits you hehe but I agree, when it starts to feel like a chore, you have to take a step back and reconsider what blogging means to you because at the end of the day, it really is just a hobby and it’s not worth stressing yourself out 🙂 thank you Danielle! I’m glad this schedule works well 😀

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  23. I always enjoy hearing about other people’s schedules because it can give me ideas for how to manage mine!

    Recently Alise and I were so busy, we were basically posting whatever we could when we had time (trying to spread them out as much as possible) because we were both incredibly busy and didn’t have time or ideas to bring up a tonne of posts. Because of this most of our posts over the last month and a bit have been reviews.

    However fortunately the other week I had some great ideas that were quick to write so now I’ve got enough posts through to May haha. This led to an actual schedule! I’m aiming to post every three days. We post a review, then a random two posts (discussions, recommendations, lists, memes, tags, whatever is ready to go) before the next review. Hopefully we can stay ahead and keep up with this new schedule!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Me too! Part of how I came up with this schedule included talking to other bloggers about their schedules hahaha it’s really inspiring 😀 I feel the same recently, I’m almost always swamped with work that it’s getting harder to keep up with schedule haha but omg you have posts for until May? That’s amazing! I barely have enough to last me through March hahaha 😂😂


  24. I love this post, Puput! 😊 It’s really informative and I could definitely see it being helpful for anyone who is looking for advice on setting up a blogging schedule. For me, I think I used to be more on a schedule than I am now. I would solidly post three times a week (the days always changed) and one of those was always a review. Nowadays I try to post at least once or twice a week(sometimes three) and sometimes there’s a review sometimes there isn’t. I’m definitely more of a spontaneous blogger because there are times when I have no clue what to post. 😂

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  25. For me, I still have to figure my schedule. The thing is, I am still in school. So some days are easy, some are okay, some are REALLY hectic. It just depends, so my posting schedule is a bit off, to be honest XD But great discussion and great post as always Puput! (sorry I haven’t commented in a while, had exams XD)

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  26. I’ve been working on a schedule that works for me. My problem is keeping up with memes like Stacking the Shelves and Sunday Post. The only thing I have been consistent with is my Talkin’ ‘Bout Books weekly discussion that runs on Tuesdays.

    I noticed you didn’t mention blog tours or promotions. I guess there are a lot of book bloggers that don’t do them. For me, that’s what takes up a lot of my time to set up. We do a lot of stuff for authors and publishers like spotlights, giveaways, and interviews.

    Sometimes our reviews are part of tours and have to go up on a specific date, but the rest of the time we just post reviews as we get around to writing them (with no particular schedule in mind).

    Liked by 1 person

    • Ohhh right! I missed blog tours and promotions because I don’t do them so they didn’t even cross my mind, but I totally should have included them so this post could be more well-rounded 😂😂 ahh right! It must be more of a hassle if you have to post reviews on specific dates, especially if they don’t match your schedule hehe


  27. These are some great tips, and I wish I’d had them two years ago! I’ve settled into a system recently of doing a Top Ten Tuesday post every week (though I often go rogue, nowadays), a review every Thursday, and a discussion post of some ilk every Friday. Oh, and the Sunday Post just to have some personal life updates in the mix. Every now and then if there’s something random, I throw that in on a Monday or Wednesday. The spacing has worked very well for me both in terms of keeping stats stable, but also just keeping myself SANE. Although the only reason it works for me is because I schedule about a weeks’ worth of posts every weekend, and I try to stay about 2 weeks ahead (or more) in case crap comes up (that way I don’t feel bad if I decide to do something ELSE with my life on the weekend!)

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    • Ahaha I hope this post will help the newbie/baby bloggers out there 😛 your schedule is pretty similar to me, except that I only post once on weekend ahahah yeeesss spacing is definitely important! I can’t post days in a row because it’s so overwhelming ahaha also yes to scheduling posts, it’s a life saver hahaha 😛


  28. Uff, your comments on composition are so true. I know I should vary my post types more, especially if I want more engagement on my blog, but I always fall back on reviews. I try to post twice a week, saying one review and one ‘other’ post but that never happens (I usually post two review-type posts)…I need more discipline, haha.


  29. I’m still trying to figure out my blogging schedule. I’m a newbie and only started blogging at the end of January. So I’m still learning. I had a schedule figured out but I haven’t quite implemented it yet. Hopefully this month. I was having issues with my WordPress or it could have been my computer.. (maybe idk) anyway thanks for the advice! and thanks to Cati @paperfury for posting it to her blog!!


  30. Pingback: March Wrap-Up || April TBR (2017) – She Latitude

  31. Pingback: Monthly Minutes at Midnight: March 2017 ⋆ It Starts at Midnight

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