Sparkling Letters Monthly Recap: December 2016 + Highlights of the Year

Sparkling Letters Monthly Recap- December 2016 & Highlights of the Year. Book Blog..jpg

Hello everyone! ♥

I know I said this every month but this time I seriously CAN’T BELIEVE December is almost over! 2016 is almost over! It’s true that as we get older time started to fly more quickly 🙈😂 at first I couldn’t decide what to do with this month recap, like should I do a usual monthly recap? Or a yearly recap? I was afraid of being repetitive if I do yearly recap, considering that I already do recaps for every month. So here we are, on my usual recap, but with some additional highlights of the year! ♥

Let’s get started with this month!

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  • I turned 22 like Taylor Swift’s song! ♥ my birthday started off a bit rocky because this is my first birthday back home. The last four years I was away on campus and usually celebrated with my friends. But this year… well, most of my close friends don’t live around and my parents were busy working, but it actually ended up being a great one! 😀 some of my friends came over, we had cake, I got a lot of books 😛
  • P.S. my birthday giveaway is over and I will announce the winner tonight (Western Indonesia Time) ♥
  • Just like I said above, most of my friends from uni lived away from me so I don’t get out much lately. This month I hung out with a lot of them and it was great to be back with friends!
  • We lost one of our kitten and it’s Kimba, my favorite of all of them 💔 it really broke my heart because I really love her! She’s so cute and adorable and she loves to play with her litter mates. Like even when the others are asleep she always tried to wake them up to get them to play with her. She also eats so much and often fights the others when they try to eat her share 😂 my family has searched the neighborhood to no luck and it made me really sad because I don’t know what happened to her. Did she wander around and got lost? Did someone kidnap her? Did she get run over by car? I do hope someone took her, even if it’s such a shitty & mean thing to do, but at least she’ll be taken care of. If she’s lost I don’t know how (or if) she’ll be able to find foods because I always fed her and the mother cat still breastfed her. I’m worried she’s not gonna survive on her own 😭
  • My family and I went on a holiday road trip to my dad’s hometown and the cities around it. We visited a lot of places and met up with a lot of our relatives. It was fun but super exhausting! P.S. my aunt there owns a bakery so we were always eating baked goods over there! 😛

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I didn’t realize this before I’m writing this post but it turned out I only read 7 books this month! It’s so few compared to the 18 books I read back in November 😭 buuut I’m not sad or disappointed or even in a slump because I used my time for something equally exciting! I will reveal what this is at the beginning of 2017 ♥ for now let’s take a look at the books I did read!

  • The Bone Season by Samantha Shannon (2.5/5). I know a lot of you loved it but to me this book definitely didn’t live up to its hype. There were so many things that didn’t work for me. Full review here.
  • We Were Liars by E. Lockhart (4/5). This is suuuch a unique book with unique characters and unpredictable plot twist! Full review here.
  • Heartless by Marissa Meyer (3.5/5). I still enjoyed it, but I definitely expected more from Marissa Meyer. Heartless has some great qualities, but fell short because of its unconvincing romance. Full review here.
  • The Lost & Found by Katrina Leno (4/5). This book was cute and heartwarming and awkward and simply likable! It’s also so underrated so go read it people! 😛
  • I’ll Meet You There by Heather Demetrios (5/5). I LOVE THIS BOOK SO MUCH! It’s so good it has amazing characters, FEELS, military story, slow burn romance, and incredible friendship!! You might have seen me raving about this book on twitter and instagram but are you wondering why I still haven’t posted my review??! Well… it’s actually silly. I read it on ebook but loved it so much and decided to order the paperback. It hasn’t arrived yet. You know I always put pictures of the books on my review right? So… yeah, that’s why I’m putting my review on hold until the book arrives 😂😂
  • Simon VS the Homo Sapiens Agenda by Becky Albertalli (4/5). This book was wayyy more adorable than I expected! It’s the perfect book for when you’re in the mood for something light, fluffy, and downright adorable ♥
  • Under Rose-Tainted Skies by Louis Gornall (3/5). I got lucky enough to get the ARC and despite my 3-stars rating, I actually really enjoyed it! This book gave an insight to our MC’s (who has OCD & agoraphobia) complicated thought process.

December Haul

I have to admit that I went overboard with this month haul and bought… 14 books 🙈 it’s A LOT MORE than I usually buy each month! But in my defense, 1) it is my birthday month which means I got present money from my family that I spent on books and put the rest on my savings and 2) December 12 was a national online shopping day in Indonesia and I got 7 local books for ONLY Rp 139k. It’s like $10 for 7 books 😍


But still, I’m starting to feel guilty and I promised myself not to order any new book until I read at least half of these! 😂 obviously we’re not counting the books that are currently on their way!

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The first half of December was a great blogging month for me! I had the time and the mood to write lots of posts and visit other blogs. Buuuut the second half was not so great. I drafted my posts in advance so I didn’t really have problems with my posts, but I was distracted and busy doing other things I ended up falling so behind on replying comments! I also didn’t blog hop enough this month because I was overwhelmed by the amount of blogs I follow and the amount of posts I wanted to read. I promise to do better next month! 😀

My favorite posts this month :

My most popular posts this month :

All around the blogosphere ♥ 

This month I also experienced a MAJOR setback on bookstagram. I’m not talking about stats here, it’s about me losing my momentum. I am so long overdue for bookstagram photo session. I also didn’t join any challenge this month and turned out I didn’t do well without challenge! I quickly ran out of ideas on what to post hahaha that’s why I’m planning to join the #BookishRainbow17 next month! ♥

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2016 seemed to be disappointing for most people, but not to me. I mean, yes, globally speaking, horrible things happened this year. But I personally experienced A LOT of amazing things this year! I’m going to list down 5 of the best things that happened to me this year ♥ P.S. if you want a detailed recap of what I’ve been up to this year you could read all my monthly recaps 😛

  1. I got a two-months internship as a Human Resource Generalist at one of the biggest news portal in Indonesia. It was a wonderful experience!
  2. I started this blog on March! It was during my internship period. I lived away (again) from home and campus and there was no tv or books on my place. One night I was bored and decided to sign up on wordpress and the rest is history. I’m so glad and thankful for that spur of the moment decision 😛
  3. I graduated from university and got my degree as a Bachelor of Psychology ♥ after 3.5 years of studying and a year of working on my thesis, it was a very satisfying achievement.
  4. I’m getting back on the writing game. It was also during my internship period! I just wrote when I was bored and that’s that. I finished a lot of short stories and one of them was published 😀 apparently boredom turned me into a productive individual 😂
  5. I met A LOT of amazing people! Both in real life and in the blogging world and that’s just one of the best thing ever ♥

Since it’s already the last day of the year, let me just say this : HAPPY NEW YEAR 😍😍😍 I’m not the type of person who usually makes new year’s resolution but I do hope that 2017 will be an even better year for all of us, both reading and non-reading wise! 😀


Alrighttt so that’s my December & 2016 recap friends! How about yours? Anything interesting? Are you happy with 2016 and are you ready to leave it? Link me to your own recaps or just tell me! Would love to hear your thoughts! ♥♥

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27 thoughts on “Sparkling Letters Monthly Recap: December 2016 + Highlights of the Year

  1. It looks like you had a wonderful December! Happy belated birthday! I’m a December baby as well. 🙂 I hope your kitten turns up! 😥 The pictures from your trip are so pretty!

    I really loved I’ll Meet You There too. I’m planning to start Simon on audio next, so I’m happy to hear you loved it.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I’m glad to hear you still had a good birthday! And I’m so sorry to hear about your kitten, I hope she’ll be back soon ❤
    These pictures of your trip are gorgeous, I'm so happy to hear you had such a great time! 🙂 Already wishing you the best for the new year to come, tons of awesome books to read and all the best in life ❤ ❤ ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I had no idea it was your birthday! Happy belated birthday, lovely! ❤ Glad to hear it was a good one (and book-filled too!)
    And I'm so sad that The Bone Season wasn't great for you 😦
    The second half of December gets so busy – just presents, and people and events to think about! I know I had plans to make December productive – but the second half's craziness got to me too!
    Happy New Year, Puput! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Oh, I have a December birthday as well (the seventh), and I always love getting double the books. 😄Congratulations on graduating and getting an internship; that sounds amazing! And does that mean you haven’t read Adam Silvera’s More Happy Than Not??? He’s one of my favorite authors ever! I ended up reading only 15 books, I think, compared to last month’s 27 (which is a new record for me), so don’t feel bad! 😂

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Oh no about Kimba 😢. I’m so sorry she vanished! I remember talking to you about the kittens a while back. How old are they now? Sometimes they can be really adventurous, especially outside, and get lost. I have a cat who vanished for a week only to turn up extremely hungry but otherwise unharmed. Then again he wasn’t too young. I hope she turns up! Also, I’m so glad to hear your birthday went well and that you had a great trip. And $10 for 7 books!? I wouldn’t have been able to resist that either haha. Thank you for the shoutout, Puput. I hope you have a fantastic 2017! 💕

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Melissa! They’re turning 2 months tomorrow 😂 ahh how old was he? I hope so too, but I think it’s very unlikely considering it’s been over a week 😦 yayyy thank you! I KNOOOOWWWW I freaked and went overboard hahaha 😂😂 you’re welcome, hope you have a great year too ❤

      Liked by 1 person

      • You’re welcome!! 💕
        He had just turned a year when he vanished for a week so yeah he was way older. Awwwww 😢. Well hopefully someone found her and took her in or something!
        I would have too! I know when B&N does $10 hardcovers I always go a tad overboard lol.

        Liked by 1 person

  6. Ahhh, happy birthday and happy new year! Sounds like you overall had a good month (and a wonderful year), because those things you listed as your highlights are really big things. I hope 2017 brings even more joy and laughter and success (and books!) for you. ❤

    (Also thank you for linking to my post, haha.)

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I’m so sorry to hear about your kitten, Puput ♥ I hope she’s doing okay wherever she is.

    You read one of my fave books so that makes it a great reading month imo 😉 Amazing haul too. I really need to read More Happy Than Not and Salt to the Sea!!

    It seems like you had a great 2016, but I hope 2017 is even better for you!! It’s been so great getting to know you ♥

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Lauren, I hope so too! ❤ ahh which one is it?? I finished More Happy Than Not last night and it was amazing! Currently reading Salt to the Sea as we speak and I kinda have mixed feeling about it 😂😂 THANK YOU SO MUCH!! It's been great to know you too and I hope 2017 is even better for both of us ❤


  8. Pingback: 2016 End Of The Year Book Survey – BookNerdMomo

  9. Happy late birthday!!! I enjoyed reading your whole recap and learning about all the fun things you did this month. 😊 I had a pretty good reading December and bookstagram December, but didn’t blog hop or keep up with my reader NEARLY as much as I hoped! So if you see lots of random comments from me, that’s me catching up 😘

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Pingback: Sparkling Letters Monthly Recap: January 2017 | Sparkling Letters

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