My Brownish Makeup Collections

Brownish makeup collections

I’m nowhere near a photography expert but every time I see some color coordinated objects, I have this big urge to take pictures! Last week I was tidying my makeup products when saw these lovely brown stuffs. So I just took pictures and now I’m gonna rave about some of them ♥

Brown makeup (3)


I don’t regularly wear eye shadow but I love them nonetheless. I don’t like colorful eye shadows, wearing them makes me feel like Effie Trinket from The Hunger Games, so I stick with nude colors. Here are some of my collections. Continue reading


Fabulous BLOGS To Follow

Blogging is as much reading as writing. There are A LOT of blogs out there and what works for me might not work for you. I’m compiling a list of my personal favorite blogs. These blogs are places I love to visit every time I’m on my spare time. They are fabulous and hopefully will inspire & entertain YOU! ♥


Helene in Between

Helene in Between mainly focuses on blogging tips and other social media hacks. Through her blog posts, I’ve learned SO MUCH new tricks about blogging! Continue reading